Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Doug and Sue's
Living the Dream 2017 RV Tour Blog #2

Carmel/Monterey and Yosemite
One of the benefits of the RV life style is spontaneity. Although we plan our itinerary and reserve RV sites ahead of time, we can cancel without charge at most places, as long as we give sufficient notice. For example, we planned to go from San Diego to Kings Canyon/Sequoia in central California for a few days on the way to Yosemite. Well, when the time came, we weren't ready to leave the California coastline, so we bumped Kings Canyon and Sequoia to next year's bucket list and headed for the Monterey/Carmel area instead.  

Once there, we found a quaint, private RV park tucked in the hills of Carmel. This area of coastal California is one of those magical places protected from dramatic weather changes. The temperature is a relatively constant 60-70 degrees during the day all year. Morning fog rolls in, usually in the morning, and then clears to reveal a beautiful blue sky with fresh air that has not seen land since crossing over from Asia. 

We love this area, not only for the pleasant temperatures, but because the Pacific ocean is a beautiful deep blue and huge waves crash dramatically against the cliffs. While painting, Doug can feel the ground shake beneath him from the impact of the surf. 

Doug's painting buddy Bonnie Tucker was staying in nearby Pacific Grove and they had a blast painting together at two of Doug's favorite places: Point Lobos and Garrapata State Park. 
 "Garrapata View"

"Surf Over the Top"

After what turned out to be a worthwhile side trip, it was on to Yosemite National Park. We were truly excited to return to this destination. Two years ago when we last visited, it was July during the height of the 4 year drought. The daytime temperatures pushed to 100 degrees and vegetation everywhere was brown and extremely dry and brittle. It was alarming to see the landscape in this condition. Sadly, the famous waterfalls in the park were mere trickles.

What a difference a year can make since Yosemite received over 100 inches of snow in the highest altitudes this past winter. By the time we arrived in early May, the spring melt was well underway - so much so, that there were flood pools throughout the lower valley. 
Meanwhile, at the upper elevations, many hiking trails were snow bound and the highest road was still closed and may not reopen this year.
While the snow remained at high altitude, the spring melt was charging the river to create spectacular falls. We felt relieved to see nature rebound with such glory.

Upper Falls - July 2015 vs May 2017

A trip to Glacier Point left us spellbound by "Lord of the Rings" style views. We felt particularly blessed to witness a full-on rainbow color spectacle created by the sun being refracted by clouds and mist. 
Bonnie, Doug's artist friend with whom he painted with in Monterey joined us again at Yosemite and brought a friend.  We had lots of laughs together.

The artists were mesmerized and elated as they went off to paint. Doug produced some of his most inspired work of the trip so far: 
"Afternoon Sentinel"

"Bridal Veil Falls at Sunset"

"Ribbon Falls"

"Balancing Rock"

Frederick Church, Thomas Moran and countless other famous artists have painted in Yosemite. Doug felt deeply connected to them and the past as he painted this popular scene of Yosemite Valley:   
As we left Yosemite, we knew that this was not going to be our last visit. There is so much more to see and explore (like snow bound trails for Sue) We never tire of the breath-taking beauty that lies around every corner. 

Coming up next on our journey is Lake Tahoe, followed by Gold Beach and a reunion with Doug's sisters and cousins.  A short jaunt from there will take us to Redwood National Forest.


  1. Great post guys. My folks lived in Carmel for 25 years. I have great photos from those days. We are "kicking back" in Minnesota at an RV park on a lake for 5 months. Bought an old pontoon boat so we can enjoy the lake. You posted great photos and art work. Keep enjoying.

    1. Hi Jerry, Great to hear from you! We're still "living the dream" and are inspired by your travels. Enjoy Minnesota! Doug and Sue

  2. Nice to here from you Jerry! We are presently at Yellowstone and the Tetons. We're a little behind on our blogs and will be posting more soon. We're glad you are enjoying them. Happy trails to you! Doug and Sue

  3. Yosemite was certainly in is glory this year and you captured it beautifully, Doug. Sue your pictures are always fun too. I'm looking forward to the rest of your blogs. It is over 100 degrees in Las Vegas and we are getting out of the heat. We will be at our beach house in Oregon next week. Love you! Ebster

  4. Nice paintings & picures! (Tom Lebish)

  5. I love Yosemite. One of the most magical places I've seen. The big view of the valley pastel is really great. Lots of great places and paintings of them. Get back to me Doug, if you have interest in a solo exhibit at Audubon's house in the next year or so....

    1. Hi Michael! Glad you like the painting of the valley. I'd love to exhibit at Audubon. We return to PA at the beginning of July and I'll be in touch. Thanks for thinking of me!

    2. Great, talk to you then! Happy painting! Hi Sue.

  6. Doug you have inspired me, since we met at Campingworld, I'm learning pastels and have done a couple of pictures now, but I would still like to learn from you.

    1. Hi Josie,Nice to hear from you. I'm so glad to have inspired you to try pastels. I post my workshops on my website: I'm working on next year's schedule right now and will be sure to include you when I send out notifications too. Can you please send me your email address to" Thanks and good luck!
